Saturday 27 March 2010

"It feels like my gran is sitting next to me..."

But I dont care, I like my knitting ;)
Im at my boyfriends house at the moment so I cant really get a lot of work done but I got my needles out and started making a biiiig scarf. Ive used my knitting machine so much in the past year that I forgot how long it actually takes to do it by hand but I guess its something to do while youre bored/watching tv/travelling etc.

Thinking about sewing on some funky pearls once Im done, just adding something to it instead of leaving it blank :)
Really wanna find a shop again that sells cheap pearls like the one I went to in Brighton about 2 years ago. That thing was amazing, a whole tub of cream pearls for about 3Pounds!?
Anyone got an idea if theres a similar offer online somewhere (or a shop around London?)

Thursday 25 March 2010

Shiny bargain!

Oh this definately made my day!
I decided to go to the tiny second hand shop in Chislehurst after uni and found a Karen Millen dress that only cost me a tenner :) It actually came with a little shrug/cardigan thing as well, but I wouldnt wear that together..

Looks a bit funny on the stand, but Im not keen on blurry mirror self portraits ;)
I love black bodycon dresses and sequins/pearls are always great anyway!

The pearls reminded me that i need to finish off a corset I started a while ago but never managed to attach the lining.

Its basically gonna be similar to the corset dress i made ages ago

just an underbust version of it :)

Gotta see if Im gonna have enough time for it since we got a new project brief today for which we have to design a dress for Maria Grachvogel's RTW SS2011 collection.
Really confused right now cause her style is very different to mine but Ill just take the challenge and hope its gonna go well :)

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Cobra Starship Shoot

I dont know how I've managed to forget that I got some new pictures from the Cobra Starship video shoot for "Living in the sky with diamonds" a few weeks ago! I cant show the actual stills yet, but we had a photoshoot the same day and got some nice shots :)

Model: Laura Fraylich (
Photography: HannahMia (
MUA: Ekaterina Alimova (

Still waiting for hear back from Lewis when the video is going to be released, he said it would be around April time in the USA and summertime in the UK/Europe. Im reallly excited to see it, Ive got no idea what its gonna look like!
Plus, Id be dead proud if I ever saw it on TV haha ;)

Tuesday 23 March 2010

"Laura, I look like a deformed rock monster!!"

Kat was definately not happy. It was very nice sunday afternoon and she had to walk through Crystal Palace park in my weirdo outfit with her right boob out while half of her face was made to look like she had some freak accident (or simply got mugged). 
Despite my absolutely shocking photographic skills I managed to take quite some good pictures (highly impressed with myself!!! ;D)

She might look like a rock monster.. BUT SHES SUPPOSED TO!
Its definately not the prettiest thing Ive ever made but it really does go with my concept.
Handed my stuff in today for assessent, hope it goes well :/

Saturday 20 March 2010

The Shock of the new

Got our new brief a few weeks ago and Ive almost finished my garment now! Title was "The Shock of the new in the Salon des Refuses", so baaaaaasically looking at new ways of thinking, creating exhibiting and owning art.
If youve heard of the Salon, instigated by Napoleon, you know what its about ;)
Rejects, always a nice topic, so I decided to look at Society's Rejects. Basically disabled and deformed people you dont want to look at cause theyre so disfigured.
Its all about getting away from the beauty and trying something which isnt as pretty as nice (since I tend to make things which are rather girly I think). 

I based a lot of my work on Joel Peter Witkins photographs (absolutely amazing, but definately a little bit "specific", ha) and came up with the 2 basic directions of "hiding" and "exposing". A lot of people in the pictures were naked and showing rather intimate parts but were hiding their faces by wearing masks.
I definately didnt want to make this a fetish outfit with some weird gimp masks but play with the antipode.

Some Examples of the Designwork.. Went with the Bodysuit witht the exposed boob in the end :)
I started my fabric samples using silk organza but i needed shitloads of fabric and since student finance england wont give me any money and neither do banks (this shitty "have to have lived in the UK 3 years prior to the course" stuff is pissing me off so much now!!! 2 1/2 year before I started it, does it REALLY matter about 6 months!?) i had to go with something cheaper in the end that fit in my budget. Chiffron and Cotton all the way then, ha!
Dyed it with diluted ink sprayed from an old kitchen cleaner bottle (its fantastic, wouldnt have thought that after not throwing it away for over 3 months it would have been so useful!) which took a while but was definately worth it.
Currently, Im getting slightly suicidal cause this goddamn surface decoration is so heavy and bulky so it will hardly go under the machine :( Ive already broken 5 needles and I had to start borrowing my housemates ones, bad times!!

Lots of work to do still.. This is only the base btw, the top is mostly covered with the dyed chiffron and the cotton is only showing through in random places.

Alright.. back to the machine..!